GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. Living a Purposeful Life

No two people are the same, we were born distinctively different and it’s our experiences and culture that shape who we become.
There are many different ways we express our individuality and these things are really important because it’s this expression that enable us to really ‘find ourselves’ however cliché that sounds.
Growing up, we all wonder what we’ll do ‘when we’re older’. We’re encouraged to explore different options, to find out what we enjoy, to find our passion.
I meet so many people who are unhappy at work, people who are working jobs they hate just to pay the bills. Of course, that’s necessary sometimes BUT you should always be working towards something more fulfilling, something that excites you, something that gives you purpose.
A life without purpose isn’t a life at all. We spend so much time at work, we owe it to ourselves to ensure it’s rewarding and strengthening in some way. It’s really important we are always challenging ourselves but being stuck doing something we dread doesn’t assist this.
We live in a noisy world, it’s essential you have your say and make your ideas heard. It’s this expression that makes good leaders, great. Willingness to share their ideas and eagerness to make them heard has been, and always will be, the most important thing to embody.
This may be a naïve way to look at life and of course, it’s easier said than done but remember that success is built from nothing but determination to do something new and an innate desire to own something of your own.
So if you’re sat at work or at home today wishing you were anywhere else, ask yourself these two questions;
What are you doing there?
Many people are reluctant to quit their job because they haven’t actually figured out what they want to do. This is flawed. The more time you spend where you are, the more negative you’ll become, the more ingrained in the business you’ll become and the harder it’ll be to quit.
What happens when you leave a job you hate? Your next step becomes an urgency. Your search for your passion becomes your no.1 priority, therefore all your energy in invested into finding something that is nothing like the place you just left. It may be a risky move, but it is certainly a powerful experience.
Be inquisitive
Too many people rely on a job being ‘available’. If you like a brand or you feel you could fit in well with a business you’re familiar with – get in touch. I know this isn’t the normal thing to do but who cares? If you can convince an employer you have something they need, there’s no way they’ll let you go.
Tap into your personal interests and trust your curiosity. This is really important because this way, you’re more likely to end up somewhere that coincides with who you are as a person.
Never limit your decision to external factors like money, stature or convenience. Do something you love, and if that makes you naïve – so what, join the club.