How-to: Nail that Interview

Interviews never get easier, no matter how many you have done. There is always some tension and the pressure to impress. With each interview you meet new people in different scenarios with different questions. If it is your first interview your mind will be buzzing with lots of expectations. So how do stay calm when all this questions are coming at you from different directions? How do remember all the research and practice you have done.
Interviews are really important, they can either get you hired or simply forgotten as another candidate. So what will you do to make you stand out? Well here are a few tips to make that lasting impression on your interview;
• Be on time.
We all know that the early bird catches the worm. Time management is essential in things like this. You do not want your first impression to be flawed by the fact that you can’t manage yourself. Lateness can mean that you either do not take the opportunity they gave you seriously or that you are lazy. Nobody will hire a lazy worker. This means that you should there at least five to ten minutes early.
• Be confident.
This will show by the way you walk, talk and sit. Do not slouch when walking and always sit upright. Never rush when answering any question. If you need to take a few second to think about your answer do that . The interviewers are looking for a proactive person not a reactive person. Think before you do anything. Always maintain eye contact with the person addressing you. This shows you are listening and interested in whatever they are saying.
• Can easily adapt.
The business world currently is evolving very fast. Things keep changing every day. The ability to adapt and simply get things done is a very attractive trait to employers. No employer wants to follow you around to do your job. Each employer needs a candidate that can show case that they can meet their deadlines under any circumstances. This means that you need to be teachable and able to easily evolve with the growth of the business. No one wants a stiff unproductive person.
It’s not enough to say it during the interview you need to show it by give relevant examples that you can easily back up with evidence.
• Team player.
When asked of their successes most candidates make the mistake of focus on themselves. We get the point that you want to impress the panel. But focusing solely on yourself shows that you are not a team player. You might have all the necessary skills to get things done, you can even be the best but no employer wants an employee who cannot socialize and work with others.
• Follow up.
Always make a follow up. This can be through sending your thank you note to the panel and the organization for calling you in for the interview. You can also include any details you may have forgotten to mention during your interview.
Though well rehearsed responses and good knowledge about the company will go a long what to show you were well prepared, covering these two areas will not always set you apart from the crowd. in a competitive job market, recruiters want employees who can easily fit within their culture and deliver results.
Have you had an interview experience worth sharing? Let us know below and we will feature some in our subsequent posts.